What Exactly is a Medical Pedicure?

Learn About What A Medical Pedicure Can Do For You!


Guess who’s back! It’s Kira here, and let me tell you there have been some fun new things to learn! Did you know that there is such a thing as a “Medical Pedicure”? Me neither!



I always thought going to get a pedicure meant having to go to a beauty salon. Apparently not! Here at Footprint, we call that a medical pedicure. It basically entails everything you would get at a salon minus the foot soak and foot massage but also… minus the fungus!



During your medical pedicure, your Chiropodist will cut your toenails, file ’em down, shave away built up calluses and even ease the pain of corns! If you’d like, your Chiropodist can even put some lotion on your feet to make them feel baby smooth and who doesn’t love that!?



Everything we use during your medical pedicure is completely sterile! In fact, our tools go through a rigorous and thorough sterilization process to ensure each and every patient receives the cleanest possible tools which mitigates any cross contamination between patients. We also use a top tier cleaning solution after every room is used so you can have peace of mind when getting your feet properly manicured.



Come on in and experience a medical pedicure for yourself, we’d love to have you!